
Our mission is to provide a safe, non-competitive and holistic environment to cultivate a child’s natural gifts via allowing children to learn and discover at their own pace while laying a solid foundation for lifelong learning.

The rhythm includes outdoor and indoor activities.

As such Learn from Play in enhancing communication, increasing tolerance and understanding within society, igniting imagination and creativity in problem-solving, and educating basic life skill -sets.


All teachers and staff members undergo a thorough background check to ensure the safety of our children

We take a proactive approach toward the security and safety of our children via conducting regular risk assessments, identifying potential vulnerabilities and installing security measures. Learn more

We do not encourage such behaviour as it  would disrupt children’s rhythmic routine

We takes a proactive approach to minimize risk and prepares for emergencies by ensuring all staff members are clear of effective protocols and procedures.

The safety and  well- being of our children is our top priority. We understand the importance of handling medical emergencies and the prompt responses needed in any medical situation. Our teachers are equipped with treating minor cuts and bruises while emergency incidents requiring extensive professional treatment will be rushed to the emergency unit located 2km/ 5 mins away. Do be rest assured that parents/guardians will be informed immediately of any emergencies and accidences.

Teacher/ Community

Our teacher -children ratio is carefully maintained as we are committed to providing optimal care and individual attention to children under our care by maintaining a ratio of 1 teacher: 10 children (ages 4-6years old) while younger children will be a ratio of 1 teacher: 5 Children (3yers old)

This ratio strongly enforces our dedication to ensure a strong relationship is formed between parents/guardians – teacher-child

We adopt an open and transparent communication channel that encourages regular and meaningful dialogue between parents/guardians and teachers.

Regular parents/guardians x teacher meetings are held quarterly for parents/guardians to stay informed of their child’s progress.

Additionally, adopting WhatsApp chat/groups encourages addressing timely concerns and responses promptly and builds trust in the parents/guardians x teacher relationship.

Teachers approach misbehaviours with patience, empathy, and understanding instead of applying punitive measures. Effective approaches via engaging in open communication with the child, actively listening, and acknowledging their emotions are vital in nurturing and fostering a positive environment when dealing with misbehaviours.

Teachers will also provide clear and consistent boundaries along with consistent consequences to help the child understand the importance of responsible behaviours.

Information for evacuation, emergency unit location, and local emergency/ authority contact is readily accessible to ensure the safety of Morning Stars Playhouse a Waldorf- based education playschool individuals.


School session starts from 8.30am – 6pm (Mon- Fri)

Weekend and Public holiday- Closed

We create and provide a supportive environment to children from ages 3- 6 years old to assist in growth development during these critical formative years.

Our children are served organic or bio dynamic meals consisting of solids and liquids which is nutrient- dense. A typical menu consists of

  • 1 meal of breakfast
  • 1 meal of lunch + 1 snack (solid/ liquid

We avoid serving nuts, beans, eggs or milk as these components trigger most allergies. As a precaution, parents/guardians are to notify teachers of any allergies or special diets required by children prior to the beginning of the school semester/sessions.

Children with communicable diseases are not permitted attendance at Morning Stars Playhouse a Waldorf- based education playschool 12 hours prior to the beginning of school session (This includes diarrhea, fever, measles, mumps etc). Should there be doubt, best to contact Teachers for guidance about permittance of attendance.

Teachers need to be notified of children with mild symptoms who need medication to ensure doses are accurately provided.

Parents/guardians will be contacted immediately pertaining to any emergencies while milder incidences will be reported after school sessions.

We will be closed during these periods. Annual school holidays and PH calendar will be provided the beginning of every school year.

Currently, parents/guardians are to pick up/ drop off children individually

We encourage timely pickup to optimize resources. Yet we understand certain days are difficult to adhere, therefore a grace period of 15 mins allowances is implemented.


Fees for our services are determined by childcare duration.  We offer 2 payment options to accommodate flexibility via monthly and bi- yearly terms.

Consisting of Monthly fees (school fees) and bi- yearly term fees (non-coaching related materials). Our goal is to ensure transparency and convenience in payment process, therefore,preferred payment method would be online banking or cheque . Payments are made by the beginning of the month. Please reach out to our support team for more payment details.

We offer a range of child care time flexibility as below.

  • Half day care services (8.30am -1pm) 4.5 hours
  • Full day care services (8.30am- 4pm)7. 5 hours
  • Extended Day care services (8.30am-6pm) 9.5 hours


Special timing requirements is subjected to approval upon discussion with Teachers.

Thank you for your interested we can be contacted via:


: 012-286 0603

: 012-286 0603


for an appointment

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