Mini-me Imitation


One key emphasis at Morning Stars Playhouse a Waldorf- based education playschool is surrounding children with role models ‘worthy of imitation’ as children will learn what you teach them.

This concept of positive imitation is highly practiced by us thru dedicated educators and is an inspiration to parents to continue this life- long learning as Waldorf education recognizes the significance of imitation and modeling positive behavior, values, and activities will foster children’s holistic development and nurturing their creativity, social skills, and imagination.

Most would agree a ‘worthy imitation’ is a challenging task with the current hectic lifestyle yet it is not impossible to achieve. We came across a concept in ‘breaching in the deep’ which we could draw a few metaphorical concepts to achieve a ‘worthy Mini- me imitation’ as parents/ guardians manage the balance of mental, physical, and emotional well-being.

“Breaching in the Deep” refers to a whale’s behavior of leaping out of the water, it shows their strength and vibrancy. The same goes for individuals, we need a Work-Life Balance to showcase our best potential.

  1. Energy and Vigour:
    When a whale breaches, it expends a significant amount of energy and demonstrates its vitality.
    Similarly, individuals need a healthy work-life balance to maintain their energy and vigour. Allowing time for personal life and recreation, parents and teachers can rejuvenate and portray their best self.


  1. Boundaries and Limits:
    Whales often breach certain boundaries, and they return to the water afterward. Similarly, Individuals should establish boundaries and set limits between work and personal life.
    This helps to prevent work from encroaching on personal time and vice versa, allowing individuals to fully engage and be present in the moment


  1. Mental and Emotional Well-being:
    Breaching may serve various purposes for whales, including communication, playfulness, or removing parasites. Similarly, maintaining a work-life balance supports an individual’s mental and emotional well-being.
    Creating time for hobbies, self-care, and relationships outside of work can reduce stress, enhance happiness, and foster overall well-being, eventually leading to a spirited and generous individual.
    While this might be an analogy between whale behavior and life-style balance, it emphasizes the importance of having a healthy work and family balance to excel as a Mini-me worthy of imitation’.
*source : Breaching in the deep by Sindhura Thadi, #oceanlife0217

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