The 3 Rs : Rhythm, Repetition, reverence

In Waldorf kindergarten education, the 3 R’s – Rhythm, Repetition, and Reverence – play a crucial role in creating a nurturing and holistic learning environment for young children.@morningstarsplayhouse we build our foundation by enforcing these practices with our children in our daily rhythm.  Parental support is vital in setting up our children for success. Read on for parental support tips within our school system.
 Rhythm: Rhythm is the establishment of daily, weekly, and seasonal routines. It provides a sense of predictability and security for children. Rhythmic activities such as circle time, mealtime, and naptime create a structured and comforting atmosphere. This regularity helps children feel safe and allows them to focus on learning and exploration.

Parental Support: Parents can support rhythm by maintaining consistent routines at home. This includes regular bedtimes, mealtimes, and other daily activities. Consistency between home and school routines can help children transition smoothly between the two environments.


Repetition: Repetition is a fundamental aspect of early childhood education in Waldorf. Children learn through repetition, as it helps them internalize and understand concepts. Stories, songs, and activities are often repeated to reinforce learning and provide a sense of security. Repetition allows children to delve deeper into the subjects and develop a sense of mastery.

Parental Support: Parents can support repetition by engaging in similar activities at home. Reading the same story or singing familiar songs can help children consolidate their learning. It’s important for parents to recognize that repetition is a natural part of a child’s learning process and to encourage it.

Reverence: Reverence involves treating the child’s world with respect and awe. Waldorf educators value the child’s innate sense of wonder and their connection to the natural world. Reverence encourages a sense of gratitude and respect for the environment, living creatures, and each other. 

Parental Support: Parents can foster reverence by modeling respect for nature, people, and all living things. This can be achieved through activities like spending time in nature, caring for plants and animals, and practicing gratitude rituals with their children.

Waldorf kindergarten education recognizes that these 3 R’s create a nurturing environment where children can thrive emotionally, socially, and academically. Parents can support these principles by aligning their home routines and values with those practiced at the Waldorf school, fostering a seamless and harmonious learning experience for their children. #goparents

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